Saturday, January 16, 2010

Project 365

Well I have decided to take on the task of project 365. I hope that I will be able to follow through. I just have to remember that as long as I love taking photo's then it doesn't matter what they are.

I have been at this for about 2 weeks now, and have just started this blog. So This will be a catch up post. Then I will try and post every day.

New Years Started with Chicken and Sausage Gumbo for the first time. Yummy.
1-2-10 Day 2 started with a self portrait and then a visit from Shauna and her awesome family.
1-3-10 Tried my hand at a photo shoot with Kayla today. Out of 181 photos this one was her favorite.
Today I started back hard core on my diet and exercise routine. This was taken at 5 am when I got up. They were all set out waiting for me.

1-5-10 Well today started out good, until I went to
make coffee and dropped the damn pot.I guess I will be going today at lunch to get David a new one.
There's an App for that.....I never thought that there could be a material thing that I lov
e so much until I got my iPod. I profess my love to it many times a day, and I NEVER leave home without it.


My BMI.I know it's not a number to be proud of, but today it is. Today was the first time since I started all this that it actually registered on the thingy-ma-bob they check with at Curves. So today this number is a great one.

Today was spent on my couch. Mostly playing
Farmville. I took a couple of days off to spend with David. It was way to cold to do anything but veg out and watch TV, while I FB'd.

Today's photo was shot by David, because I wanted this shot, but was scared to death to take it. I have seen plenty of episodes of ER
and Grey's where someone gets impaled by an ice-sickle. this is our tree in the front yard after he hung the hose over the top so that it would make a pretty for the kids.

Kitty in macro. I don't know how this cat puts up with so much but he does. I love my kitty purr.

We made the paper! Today after lunch someone
at work told us that we had made the paper with our ice tree. How very cool.

A very RARE occasion...Micheal doing homework. He probably has only done home work at home maybe 3 times the past 5 years. He has been on the honor roll since he started school. He is one of those kids you hated in school, never had to study, but always made the grade. David and I still can't figure out where he got that from. LOL

Kayla asked if she could start working out with me at Curves. So today was her first day. I have to admit she pushed me, and I really worked it hard. I hit my burn and then some. I hope she sticks with it. She doesn't need to loose any weight, but it would do her good to get some strength in her knees.

David surprised me with this set of rings yesterday. It is to hold me over until he can get my other one fixed. On the in side of one ring it says, Today the other two have tomorrow, and the 3rd says Forever. Some times he can be very sweet.

Sushi night with the girls. I am blessed to work with such awesome people!

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